Monday, 21 January 2008

shokodate temptation

These yummily tempting chocodates have been flirting with me the past few times I've been in the supermarket

Don't they look lush! But well expensive. Well ish. More importantly what's tiki taki? And how did I fail to notice that and investigate?! Anyway they had this smaller, less expensive, less fattening ( in a way! ) packet so I got some.

And I have to say they were nice but not oh my god sooo nice....the chocolate was a bit weird. I feel a DIY chocodate session coming on. Meanwhile I bagsied all the near-its-sell-by-date-reduced-to-10p items. Scintilating I know! But u gotta love a bargain...

The drink here, Sabai, a thai wine spritzer thingy, is where I get these purple flower bottle caps from for my earrings

Maamoul reminds me of school.


erica said...

what a coincidence, i was eating dates at the exact moment i was reading this post. But i was having mine with philadelphia. Extra fattening? yes. Extra yum? yes, you gotta try it.

soph said...

dates and filli? hmmm
stuffed with feta or goats cheese and cooked maybe.
stuffed with almond is always good for me lol

erica said...

lolz soph the style bubble person has posted pics of selfridges window display!!!

soph said...

i just saw! shes beated me to it