Saturday, 17 January 2009


It has come to my attention, that, with my absolute favourite way to spend time being sewing, and, in sporadic bursts obsessively watching cooking programmes, and cooking up yumminess, that perhaps being a housewife is my true calling. Hmmmm!

The dress is something I made recently, my last sewing project before uni started again. Paired with my favourite combo of layered tights, it makes a nice soireeing outfit. The fabric, as with everything I make had a previous life as something else, I think it had been used in a window display or something, and seemed to have had been stapled to a wall and then ripped off. As a result the fabric has some tiny holes here and there, but I loved the shimmery pattern that looks different from different angles too much to let it bother me.

The cake, was a chocolate and orange invention, and was possibly one of my yummiest yet.
Seriously, wouldn't it be fabulous to spend all your time making clothes and cakes?


yiqin; said...

The fabric of the dress looks fantastic! goes so well wit the colored tights <3

Sam said...

That dress is gorgeous! I wish I was that good to make a dress like that. It's just 'WOW'

Anonymous said...

What an amazing dress!

Winnie said...

Wow I want Cake! I wish I could make something, I need to put it on my list of things to do!

Anonymous said...

Wow, your dress looks sensational. Fab '60s style. xx

Anonymous said...

Totally envy your sewing skills!!

Putri Erdisa Januarti said...

aw, love the cake!! do you made it yourself?? want one for my birthday... hehehe.. ;p