Tuesday, 22 July 2008


I don't post outfit shots very often simply because I don't think mine are particularly noteworthy, but I wore this dress for the first time yesterday, and it was the first time I went out with that much bare leg on show in err, ever, so it deserves to be noted I guess. I posted a pic of the dress ages ago, it was my grandma's and I finally got around to altering it about two months ago, and the weather finally got around to being decent yesterday. But lets not get too excited, the papers are telling us it's only for a few days, until which point we can expect the usual undecided it might rain it might be sunny, who knows situation. The bare-leggedness situation wasn't as traumatic as I have previously been afraid of, tho I'm really not convinced it's cooler (as in temperature) than wearing jeans.
The bag was a birthday gift from my friend May, who is currently residing in Vancouver for 6 months. She came back for a visit on Saturday. My birthday was a couple of weeks ago, but I wasn't much in the mood for celebrating, hence no pics of merrymaking and such. Anyway, if you're a longtime reader you may know I love tooled leather bags, mostly Moroccan-ish style ones, so this was a very cool and unexpected gift. (Actually she had told me about it on the phone, so I was quite excited haha) It's vintage and kinda falling apart inside but it has this really cool and ingenious adjustable strap mechanism, I think I'll steal it for future bag-making.

As I said, the inside is somewhat disintegrating, leaving a thick dust all over the contents of my bag. Regardez:
Ok it doesn't look so thick, but it is really!
So, that leads me to the question, should I rub some leather shoe polish/protector/general overpriced shoecare nonsense into the inside in an attempt to seal it and prevent dust overload, or will that result in the contents of my bag feeling like they've been bathed in Vaseline? Alternatively should I sew some cloth pouches to put inside the bag....This sounds like a longwinded and boring thing to do...Yet probably the more sensible solution. I think I'm too lazy and impatient and having 100 other projects that need doing to bother with that. Hmmm.

You know how when you look at a word for a long time it

starts to look
really weird...dust is looking bizarre.



Sharon said...

Your dress is really gorgeous-lets hope the weather stays around, its been gorgeous today so far!! regarding the bag situation, I had a vintage Gucci that flaked its leather lining-I put a cloth bag in it, but to be honest, I never ended up using the bag and it eventually went to the charity shop-hope you find the best solution for you!!

yiqin; said...

Wow, the bag is really unique! I love it! Gorgeous shoes as well :D

Anonymous said...

The bag is lovely :).