Tuesday, 13 May 2008

them feet them tickle

My wardrobe is far from empty, yet I can't resist charity shops...I figured that if you see something amazing, you should just get it cos else you'll regret it later. Then later if you change your mind you can always sell it / give it to a friend / use it to make something else. And at the end of the day, the money is going to charity. I may not have a monthly direct debit set up but I might as well do since 90% of my clothing purchases are of the 2nd hand charity shop nature. I don't know why I'm trying to justify this to myself! I found this top at this "discount" charity shop near by. I'm not sure how or why its discount, but everything is cheap and I always find something unusual. This top reminds me of the irrefutably rad M.I.A, with the neon tie-dye and all.
I'm not trying to pose all badass, just the sun was in my eyes. I am a total badass tho, obviously. It'd be killer with some cool crisp cut-off shorts but I haven't got the legs nor the guts for that so jeans will have to do.

I also got this....which, ok looks a little crazy, but ignore the shape, it's the print, this metallic purple wood effect. It could be very cool transformed into something else. Any ideas?? It has insanely exaggerated shoulders but it's actually kinda small, so not a large amount of fabric to play with.

And now I have an excuse to post lots of fabulous M.I.A pics

These ones I took at her gig last year. The camera was being so cool at capturing movement that night.

Ok, ok I'll stop now.


Anonymous said...

I really like your top - it's so beautiful.


i love both top, but espesh, espesh the top one, i think the jacket is fine, a bit of puff wont hurt, but it will benicer if its slim fit, aka skinny jacket

Unknown said...

The top is great, and you have so got the legs for cut off shorts.
Come over here you'll soon be reassured!

Recut the sleeves on the jacket and take out some of the 'puff'. Not so hard to do.... promise!
Not sure about the neck though... I do like a lapel I must admit.

Jovana said...

Love the top & earrings, and I agree with jezmine about the jacket. But I have to ask - How do you feel about M.I.A. canceling her Europe tour? I remember reading here that you bought a ticket for her show in London. I was so excited that I'll get to see her, she was supposed to perform on a festival in my city, I bought the tickets, and now I'm so disappointed :(

soph said...

Yeah I'm mega disappointed! I was so looking forward to it too...I saw that she was playing a festival in Novi Sad, I hope you like some of the other artists playing too?
I don't doubt that she doesn't love her fans though...when I saw her before she had half the crowd up on the stage with her and stuff...
But seems like she has been touring the US a lot, I'm not surprised she's exhausted...
hopefully she'll be back soon...