Sunday, 13 April 2008

bow to bow

Today I saw Son of Rambow and it was really so good. I thought it would be good, but it was even better than I expected. The storyline was cool, it wasn't predictable and there were no cheesy "sentimental" moments forced in as there sometimes are in films about childhood and friendship. And the kids who played the two lead characters were such great actors, all of the characters were fab really. All in all, go see! you'll laugh a lot and enjoy
Look at the pink elephant badge on his hat, and he had crossed over matches sellotaped to his coat, as a substitute for a crossed sword badge I guess. Yup the costumes were cool as well.

I finally got around to altering this bow shirt I had bourght in a sale at charity shop Traid ages ago. It was 5 sizes too big so now it's muchly improved for wearing.

So I wore the netball skirt, I felt like suuuch a kid wearing this today. I found a new ledge to position the camera on, but for some reason the pics were not in focus...hmm hmm.In the end I had to change shoes because of the stupid changable weather.

Shirt & skirt ; 2nd hand/charity shop, shoes on left;River Island, shoes on right; Zara


Anonymous said...

lovee the blue skirt.
you look great!

Anonymous said...

Your skirt is really beautiful :).


i love this. the blue skirt just 'pops' against the shirt.

Auntie Tati said...

The shirt + the blue skirt
= the perfect combination :)

Moose said...

hi there, am just wondering about the shirt. did you altered it yourself or send it to altering service? if you do it by yourself, can you pls put up a DIY entry? I'd be so grateful! I bought a lovely vintage shirt that is 3-4 times bigger that my size and i don't know how to alter it. sending it to a tailor also not a good idea as it probably costs more than the shirt itself!

soph said...

T.S.D , I did it myself, it was very simple...I just took it in by a couple of inches from both sides, continuing up into the sleeves. Does that help?
Does you shirt have any darts or anything? That might make it more complicated...
Let me know I could post some instructions :)

Moose said...

Oh please do! i don't really know what you meant by darts, but from the look of it, i think mine is similar to yours.