Monday, 26 November 2007

cars, cards and cake

My business cards came today! finally. They were late grr and so I didn't have them for the eco design fair and had to make do with some quick homemade ones but nevermind they're here now. The colours are very slightly different and it seems I didn't need to leave as much bleed and trim borders as they suggest, but I expected all of these things really so all in all I'm happy with them.

It's my dad's and grandad's birthday tomorrow, they were born on the same day, unusual no? Anyone else born on the same day as their parent? Apparently I was in a graph paper mood when I made these cards hehe.

And just another snippet from the eco design fair. I love this guy's business cards, they're random old photos with his details printed on the back. I loved his necklaces too. They were kinda bits of old jewellery and trinkets and other pieces made into new necklaces. I liked one with a bunch of clock faces on, as I've been looking recently for old clock faces, pocket watches, nurses watches, those kinda things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.