Wednesday, 14 November 2007


Well, after much procrastination in starting this, as the header is refusing to load, I decided to get on with it and put up with the boring generic b+w thing up there. So onto one of my recent makes, shu-boots.

Partly a desire for 30s styling, a recreation of spats...and partly to revamp/reconstruct some tired shoes.

As Wiki says, "Spats were stiff fabric covers covering the top of the shoe and extending up the lower part of the leg. Spats, especially white ones on highly-polished black shoes, formed part of the stereotype dress of a wealthy young man of the era, along with a top hat and a cane. Other common colours were grey, tan, and black. Though often a fashion accessory, wool felt spats were also worn to keep the ankles warm."
I'm not too sure about the top hat and cane to finish off this look, but I quite fancy a long/big wooden umbrella...
I feel the making of another pair coming along soon, tho the next ones will be less rouched and baggy, more stiff and straight, just for a change.

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